Our Story!

In the depths of our humanity lies a profound desire to make a difference, to touch lives, and to bring hope where there is despair. This is the story of Lens Foundation, born from the heartfelt vision of one woman, Omobolanle Sodiya.

It all began with a conversation among friends, a shared concern for the vulnerable and underserved in our midst. Omobolanle, driven by a deep sense of empathy, could no longer turn a blind eye to the suffering she witnessed. The tears of the hungry, the cries of the needy—these were not distant tales but stark realities that stirred her soul.

Gathering her courage and fueled by her compassion, Omobolanle took the first step. With contributions from her closest companions, they pooled their resources, but their hearts knew there was more to be done. It was through the generosity of kindred spirits, from individuals who believed in their cause, that Lens Foundation found its wings to soar.

For Omobolanle, this journey is personal. She recalls the moments of sadness and frustration, seeing people go without necessities, feeling their pain as if it were her own. It was this intimate connection with humanity's struggles that fueled her determination to create change, to be a beacon of light in the darkness of hunger and financial hardship.

Lens Foundation is not just an organization; it is a testament to the power of one person's vision, one person's compassion, to ignite a movement of kindness and transformation. From humble beginnings among friends to reaching out to communities and beyond, Omobolanle's dream is to see a nation lifted from despair to hope, one act of kindness at a time.

Join us in this journey of compassion. Together, we can turn tears into smiles, hunger into nourishment, and despair into hope. Because at Lens Foundation, every life matters, and every act of kindness creates a ripple of change that can illuminate the world.

Our First Project